I choose to be happy, joyful, carrying, supportive, fun, easy, successful, healthy……..And you?? What do you choose?
……As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he…. James Allen (1903)
Every day we choose our experience.
We create what we think, feel, believe. If we are not happy with our results/experiences in life, we should look to change our creation, our mindset, our thoughts.
Consciously we can change our thinking, we have the choice, every day and at every moment.
Now, through life we have created habits and beliefs that have become unconscious and automatic. By consciously changing our way of thinking, we can change our unconscious behaviours (or paradigms) and adopt new ones, more suiting and more positive and successful ones. A belief is a thought in our mind, and what we think we create!
We have tendency to blame outer conditions to be the reason of our outcomes. We can change the partner, the job, the house we live in, the friends etc. but as long as we don’t change our mindset (paradigms) and live our authentic truth, we will not get the results that we seek for.
So by being aware of what we think and consciously direct our thinking towards the positive, is an amazing step towards positive results.
Here some ideas how to stay focused and persevere on a positive mindset:
- Read books that talk about this (example of books; James Allen – As a man thinketh, Raymond Holliwell – work with the law, Joseph Murphy – the power of your subconscious mind, Maxwell Maltz – Psycho Cybernetics, Esther and Jerry Hicks – various books)
- Listen to audio books of the same type while you are driving to work and back.
- Do everyday a gratitude exercise of what was good today, …what am I grateful for.
- Breathe and/or meditate regularly to stay in a positive energy.